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a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society

Brenda Peterson

Strange Wests

Underfire, Underwater » Brenda Peterson

    • Bringing Back Bears — Prose

Center of Gravity

Special Election Supplement: Aftermath » Brenda Peterson

    • ​​​​​Lost Cause — Essay

Center of Gravity

Poesis » Brenda Peterson

    • War Music — Prose

Dignity as an Endangered Species

Wild Hearts/Wild Minds: Fins/Wings/Fur/Claws » Brenda Peterson

    • Other Teachers than Terror: Sisterhoods Among Animals — Essay

Earth Spirit Society

Section One: Earth » Brenda Peterson

    • The Secret Journal of Kate Morag: A Celtic Romance —

A River Runs Through Us

Contents » Brenda Peterson

    • Give It to The River —

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