Rest. We wake and sleep by the natural light cycle, like you
once did. No use for eyelid, our dreamlife one of simple
drift from this glass world to another. How convenient
that light behaves like a wave—the ease of taking
into dreamwaters what we know from waking life—brilliant glow
of phosphorescence in red, yellow, green, slip of scene,
sweet scrim draped like a tail across the familiar. Our night
a superior peace, grace of story. I can tell what you were thinking—
that we watched a dreamfilm in black and white.
Sorry unfinned beast, committed as you are
to the spectrum of visible light, imagine for a moment
orgasmic chromatics, stage set in ultraviolet. Every organism
is schooled before birth in the stuff of stimuli, perhaps that’s why
you’re surprised at our capacity for belief, the way it rides a riverbed
beyond beauty, how we too can be fooled by illusions
of sight, things we thought would feed us but instead left us
gutted. Why else would we qualify as counsel unless we knew
what it was to be flawed, to make a choice then withdraw,
or become a martyr for a larger cause? Disappointed
it’s not instinct alone that churns our senses? Listen,
you’ve had a hard day, jostled in the shoal. Rest
from who you think you are. Find a cave, rock overhang. Sleep. Desire relaxed
is pleasure. Pelvic fin twitches like a heart-beat, keeps steady. Now,
look out to your cloud-marked sky, find a slit like a gill and breathe.