Oaxaca: en el presente: más biodiverso: 135 protected areas: 6 million hectares: good state of conservation: 12 thousand species: n. geometrical figures: flora y fauna:: risks: v2III poaching: trespassing, in pursuit of game:: n2 looting: something taken with force or violence:: forest fires: changes in land use:: species: role in ecosystem (n. organisms in environment): n. fauna (animal): 1400 vertebrates (n. of an animal, backbone): 700 species of birds (n. feathered vertebrate): jaguar (jaguar): tapir (tapir): spider bun (moño araña): oncilla (tigrillo): others: danger of extinction (n. extinguishing, putting out the light):: n. flora (catalogue of plants): 8400 species: 4b. bodily frame, 10a. artificial or 5a. visible, 9a. material or immaterial, 2. series of lines…