we could say the virus mutates geographically. the task force keeps avoiding saying the obvious. just say, it’s not the china version attacking new yorkers. just say europe. just say, our borders were closed to half the threat. just say, the black mother who lost her daughter who worked at the giant supermarket cried so hard during her msnbc news interview that the newscaster lost her stoic face and cried with her. the news, the task force keep avoiding stating the obvious. we could plainly say: all essential workers are being sent to slaughter. paint them with the mask of heroes. send them to war with dull sticks and no armor. where’s captain america when you need him; where’s wonder woman when you need her; where’s black panther? living in fantasy. just say, the emperor fiddled and danced naked in the glow of an artificial suntan while the country burned. just say, the mother who lost her daughter who worked at the giant supermarket became hysterical during her msnbc news interview as she held up her daughter’s last paycheck for $20. just say, she screamed into the camera that the snake oil drug of choice didn’t work; say the newscaster lost her stoic camera face and cried with her. we could say a virus mutates across grief. they keep avoiding stating the obvious. damn it, just say: it’s still easier to focus on the color line to give a false sense of safety and privilege to the other. just say, go to the party; play no-mask-required roulette with everyone’s life. just say how the freezer trucks are filled with our murderous ignorance.