Arabs invented mathematics so you triangle

the dough so quickly I dizzy.


I thought everyone ate them. Sweet

fatty lamb and rich pine nuts. Cinnamon

and bitter parsley. Yogurt tang to sweat

the tongue. Your recipes undecipherable

dashes and ribbons across the paper. A dance

in the mouth, even before the mouth.


Silent, confident fingers that crease and twirl.


It can’t be 30 years, Sitti.


How could you go before teaching me

the word for faith, for hope? February 2021:

12.4 million Syrians are food insecure.

80% of the displaced are women and children.

Where is your recipe? Numbers I can

understand. 1 Tablespoon of cinnamon.

4 cups of milk. Sorrow steals my sleep.

I am not immune. I need handfuls

of surety, pastry commune.


Green parsley bruise the only ache.