so long has it been at rest
sleeping under an eddy
it will still be dreaming long after we have gone
it wakes at the end of all times
having spent its whole existence asleep
we were all fish once
and that was the story passed down to us
when we crawled out onto land
and the great beasts still walked the tree line
we changed the story and found her in a sea cave
and when we grew out hair instead of feathers
our tongues becoming soft and pink
we changed the story again and she hibernated to outlast the ice
you can still hear the echoes today
her scales becoming Brunhilda’s armor
the eddy, now the vines protecting Briar Rose while she sleeps
the water, a glass coffin for a dark-haired girl
her lips as red as blood and skin as white as snow
it is why we were told Aurora’s life began
when her fairy tale ended
how the circle closes
when Alinda of the Loch becomes the dreamer
guarded by a water dragon
and that Ophelia upsets us so
her final act coming much too early
and we do not always leave the water
the only truth is that the story must be told again
and in the telling, lose something of itself
the listeners worrying at the threads
remembering only fragments
each storyteller projecting
a part of themselves into the narrative
tying up the loose ends
with their own hair, bits of ribbon, and yarn
and if we find ourselves
standing at the edge of the pool
the salmon within our reach
a need to know, to see how it all ends, balanced
against the chance to see another sunset
to fall in love
to hear another story