It’s no secret Donald Trump wants to be king. But, he already holds that crown at his own campaign rallies.

Because of his talent for manipulation, I am thinking of starring Mr. Trump in an animated feature film to be called “The Lyin’ King.” Trump is perfect. A bilious buffoon who is one of the most dangerous men in 21st century American politics.

Today addressing a convocation of members of the Black press The Lyin’ King asserted that Kamala Harris isn’t really Black. “She turned Black when she went to Howard University,” he said. “She wanted to cover up the fact that she’s East Indian,” Lyin’ King threw out his paws and smirked. Kamala Harris’ late mother was East Indian, her father from Jamaica. This was the biggest whopper I’d heard since Trump asserted that the 2020 Presidential Election was “rigged.” As you recall, he stirred his minions to fever pitch on January 6 to storm the White House and hang his own Vice President, Mike Pence, for voting to recognize the election results—that Joe Biden won the electoral college and popular vote.

Trump asserted in his debate with Joe Biden that he was America’s greatest environmental president. This man opened up thousands of acres of pristine National Monuments like Bears’ Ears (sacred to the South Ute people) to be drilled by oil companies (did the Trump family own stock in those companies?). Trump abolished the EPA and gutted major clean air and clean water laws. Remember his boast, “Drill, baby, drill”? The exception: anywhere near his Mar-a-Lago gold-toileted resort in the Florida Keys.

The Lyin’ King does not like to lose. He may have old yellow fangs and a thinning comb-over mane, but he still clacks his jaws, shakes his fist, and like any true coward, spews hatred, division and outrageous lies.

Now that Joe Biden has withdrawn his bid for a second presidential term, he has endorsed Kamala Harris to become the Democratic Presidential nominee. Turns out she is very popular with women and people of color and independent voters in swing states. Trump does not like this and turns his sights on her. His team can’t find real dirt on her, so he makes it up, as he did with Barack Obama who he claimed was not really a U.S. citizen because he was born in Hawaii. Let’s be fair, though, maybe Trump didn’t realize Hawaii is a state.

As Joseph Goebbels wrote, “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.” This is Lyin’ King’s super power. He concocts huge lies that almost half of American voters believe. Congress is filled with Republican senators and representatives who slavishly support anything Trump decrees, even if it means going against their own codes of ethics.

So, how do I envision the opening scene of my movie?

Donald Trump, the old blond lion swaggers across a sandstone outcrop on all fours, belly nearly dragging the ground. He wears his MAGA hat to keep off the African sun he’s not seen in real life, opening his jaws to consume a Big Mac, catsup drawn from ear to ear. “I am the only lion who can save America from immigrant killers, rapists, and thieves who are after your children, my friends. My opponent is just a woman. Kamala,” he roars, butchering the pronunciation of her name. “Kamala. Who can trust women?”

The camera pans across the valley to Kamala Harris leading a line dance of giggling children. Harris is a young black lioness. Her opening lines are taken from her first campaign speech. “In my long career as a prosecutor, I’ve taken on perpetrators of all kinds: predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.”

What will happen as the movie unfolds? Will good triumph over evil or will the Lyin’ King triumph? Will Trump, as the one and only true Lyin’ King, insure that no Americans will ever have to vote again? Or will he go into stand-up comedy? Will Kamala win and be the first woman president, shattering patriarchal rule?

Stay tuned. I haven’t written the end yet, but I do know who I’m voting for. How about you?