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a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society

Susan Deer Cloud

Strange Wests

Myth-making & The Archive » Susan Deer Cloud

    • Comanche, Iron Man, Colorado — Photography

Geographies of Justice

Ascents and Descents: The Struggle Continues » Susan Deer Cloud

    • A Winter Dream of Neruda — Poetry
    • Wolf Moon — Poetry
    • Blue Glacier, Patagonia — Photography

Voices of the Human Spirit

Section 1: Because we believe it is sacred » Susan Deer Cloud

    • Medbh —
    • Homeland Insecurity —
    • Clan —
    • Midnight Moving Towards Winter Solstice —

Enlightened Visions

Section 3: Wind/Breath/Flow » Susan Deer Cloud

    • Crones Against Drones —
    • Icicle Cave Near Big Indian —

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