a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society
Margo Berdeshevsky
In Custody of the Eyes
Some blind
blackbird they shot
some tree — cut down,
planted to remember one
boy-man down
one wing, or two
one song, or two
human with one name
or none, loved, and one of
or one eyed and shot
one tree — cut down
at the knees,
its eyes,
in custody.
A branch splattered with
blood buds paused inert as
birds with no wings yet.
(Yesterday, the chair was empty)
(Yesterday, the tomb had a body in it.)
You, also
entered its deep shade
Cocoon Or tomb
Stained linen and no flies and no flesh, instead.
No breath.
You crawled toward day like the famous
eclipse’s worm, trembling belly
to April.
Such faith.
Such faith.
In breaking.
Margo Berdeshevsky, born in New York City, often writes in Paris. Her published poetry collections are Between Soul & Stone, and But a Passage in Wilderness (Sheep Meadow Press.) Her book of illustrated stories, Beautiful Soon Enough, received Fiction Collective Two’s Innovative Fiction Award, (University of Alabama Press.) Other honors include the Robert H. Winner Award from the Poetry Society of America, the & Now Anthology of the Best of Innovative Writing, numerous Pushcart prize nominations for works in Poetry International, New Letters, Kenyon Review, The Collagist, Tupelo Quarterly, Gulf Coast, Pleiades, among others. In Europe her work has been seen in The Poetry Review (UK) The Wolf, Europe, Siècle 21, & Confluences Poétiques. Her newest poetry manuscript is Blason Pour Le Corps. A multi genre novel, Vagrant, is at the gate. Her “Letters from Paris” may be seen in Poetry International here: pionline.wordpress.com/category/letters-from-paris/ for more information, kindly see: margoberdeshevsky.blogspot.com/
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