a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society
Mary Buchinger
Fertile Crescent
where the rivers branch
I am joined
always of two
of two minds
dipped buckets drip
straddle my shoulders
waters of food
of flood
Mary Buchinger is the author of Aerialist (Gold Wake Press, 2015; shortlisted for the 2014 May Swenson Poetry Award, the 2014 OSU Press/The Journal Wheeler Prize for Poetry and the 2014 Perugia Press Prize) and Roomful of Sparrows (Finishing Line Press). Her poems have appeared in AGNI, Booth Magazine, Caesura, Diagram, Existere (Canada), Fifth Wednesday, New Madrid, Nimrod International Journal of Prose and Poetry, Orbis (England), , Runes: A Literary Review, Salamander, Silk Road Review, Slice Magazine, The Cortland Review The Massachusetts Review, Pank, Versal (The Netherlands), and elsewhere; she was invited to read at the Library of Congress, and received the Daniel Varoujan Award and the Firman Houghton Award from the New England Poetry Club. She holds a doctorate in Applied Linguistics and is Associate Professor of English and Communication Studies at MCPHS University in Boston, Mass. Website: www.marybuchinger.com
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