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a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society

Melissa Tuckey

Theories of Whiteness, #76

Or how our ancestors worried their tongues into speaking white

their posture

a stiffness, passed down through generations—

No movement to the hips, fortresses built

to protect

goods shipped from other continents

cult leaders in search of dominion


I stood at my teacher’s desk sobbed over my not-white-enough grammar

& where to put the comma


How many acres of wood how many buffalo

how many hands tobacco

how many slaves how many massacres

& what to do with shame

The End of America

For Jose Joe Gouveia

It ends right where it begins—

drunks fall to sleep like winter seals

while cormorants drag the sea


The morning of your death

I walk to the pond’s edge where

toads hold their yearly orgy


One toad

holds the other under water

an omen perhaps?


On the highway home, toads

sing for one another

in the pond below, migrate


toward concrete barriers

that will not let them cross

We’re just like them, Joe


We stay our narrow course divided

from one another lucky if we don’t get run over

on our way to something sweet


The end of America begins here right

where we began & it doesn’t really matter

if that ship is coming in or leaving


We carry every trauma

every blessed seed


Melissa Tuckey is a poet, editor, and cultural activist. Her books include Tenuous Chapel, selected by Charles Simic for the ABZ First Book Prize and Ghost Fishing: An Eco-Justice Poetry Anthology published by University of Georgia Press. Tuckey is an emeritus fellow at Black Earth Institute and a former Poet Laureate of Tompkins County. Her honors include a winter fellowship at Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown and writing awards from DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities and Ohio Arts Council. She teaches creative writing from her home in Ithaca, NY.

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