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a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society

Andrea Goodman

About Place Journal, Volume II Issue I


Fallen spruce reveal
their tenacious optimism–
shallow root system clinging to rock–
they grew tall together
encouraging each other
until a certain ferocious wind
blew them down.
Horizontal now,
moss fills in around their trunks;
plush carpets, velvet cushions
hug their long bodies.
My feet are tentative,
stepping into softness,
reluctant to crush,
unsteady as the surface sinks.
Small holes may lead to tunnels;
miniature tree stump castles stand watch.
I am covered in drowsiness
gazing at the green beds
and what if I gave in
to their thick spongy embrace
allowing my animal body
to nestle and rest?
The dwellers of the moss village
lead me down burrows
under fallen pillars
between rock ledges,
deep inside the territory of velvet knowing:
all is prepared
for footsteps unknown;
welcome gathers the weary
to the bosom of Earth–
discover, remember,
all that ever was lost–
a deeper wealth, a finer wind.
Andrea Gale Goodman is an author and a vocalist /composer of visionary, metaphoric music. Her book, Lightning Holds My Hand, A Woman’s Journal of Guidance, has been called “A beacon…to illuminate the dark night of the soul,” (Donna Henes). A new essay, “A Path Like Water,” appears in the forthcoming collection, Spell Breaking, An Anthology by Ione. Andrea was a principle performer with the Meredith Monk Vocal Ensemble, 1974-1991, and her voice, heard on five albums, has been likened to listening to “… an entire jungle of Amazon birds…” (Newsday). She is the composer as well as actress/singer for Nightingale with Figures of Speech Theatre. Recordings include Divine Doorways, The Moon’s Daughter, and performing as Sappho in Songs of Sappho. She is the founder of Ruby-Throated Spirit, Sanctuary, Voice Studio, and Labyrinth in Boothbay, Maine. Ordained in the Ministry of Maåt, she creates original ceremonies and offers intuitive counseling.



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