When you die,
may bees build
in your skulls.
a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society
When you die,
may bees build
in your skulls.
Noah Davis’ manuscript Of This River was selected for the 2019 Wheelbarrow Emerging Poet Book Contest from Michigan State University’s Center for Poetry. Davis is a MFA candidate in poetry at Indiana University and his poetry is published in Orion, North American Review, Atlanta Review, Water~Stone Review, and Chautauqua, among others. Davis has received Pushcart Prize nominations from Poet Lore and Natural Bridge. Davis was also a Katharine Bakeless Nason Fellow at the Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference and the recipient of the 2018 Jean Ritchie Appalachian Literature Fellowship from Lincoln Memorial University.
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