aries symbol aries: I am
The Sun being exalted in Aries (Stapleton, Debbie. “Aries …”), this week will be one of reflection. The Moon is forecasted to be visible for a good amount this coming weekend, showing signs of change and emotions. Now is a great time to engage in climate activism; go out there, protest against nuclear power, and vote for your Green Party! During this time of emotional variances, be sure to keep in mind the needs of those around you as well as those with less proximity to you. In the apocalypse, you will be fighting until the last minute. Be reminded to fight with, and not against, your peers. Aries, let the world end in moderate peace.

taurus symbol taurus: I have
The predicted New Moon is the perfect time to nurture some plant companions and tend for your vertebrate ones (Stapleton. “Taurus …”). Surely, Bull, you already organized your apocalypse shelter space. Before you begin resting, allow yourself the time and space to bid farewell to all. Migrating to a biome with greenery is recommended, as the scenery may calm your panic. If caught being frenetic, remember that an apocalypse is not the end of the world, but the start. Let your mind travel through your space, and breathe.

gemini symbol gemini: I think
Get ready to perform your apocalypso (Solnick, Sam). Meeting anyone along the way is a fateful act. To be at peace in the heart, head to the nearest library directly after the dancing (Stapleton, “Gemini …”). The scent of old books will counteract smells of destruction. For you, Twins, simplicity in your environment is key in your spiritual survival of the apocalypse. If you must know anything, know that your soul will rest unrested, which, for you, is the endless good.

cancer symbol cancer: I feel
For the Crabs, before the apocalypse is a great time to live your favorite day. Go on a hike with those in close proximity, but don’t make your steps felt. Share your favorite stories in roundtable style, and burn some forests in the process. Rehabilitation in others will incentivize your own sense of it. At the end of the day, have a nice warm cup of honeyed milk, and begin your final dream. Count the stars, and watch as they get bigger.

leo symbol leo: I will
As the creator of the apocalypso themself, you can be counted on to initiate the dance ritual. Put some records on, and dance the night away. To prepare spiritually for the apocalypse, some yoga and meditation will be beneficial ways to practice mindfulness. For you, life never stops. You will seek continuation within the end of the world.

virgo symbol virgo: I analyze
The apocalypse doesn’t happen in an instant. Therefore, to be ready for it, you must have raised crops in all four seasons. Put interdependency on the forefront of your mind. Accept and provide help, as you always can be expected to do. Most importantly, rest with the idea of the apocalypse. It may take time, but understanding that there is no perfection in this world and that change is constantly happening is crucial to your wellness. Setting countdowns and timers may be helpful.

libra symbol libra: I relate
Take your more-than-human companion on a walk. True balance comes from within, so interaction with the world closest to you is best. Explore and experience. In waiting for the end, lay down in some grassland, in the midst of blooming flowers. Feel the earth and the seedlings growing beneath you. Think of how you will one day be lifted up by those plants. Life goes on.

scorpio symbol scorpio: I transform
The prediction of the apocalypse might have come as an unpleasant surprise for you, Scorpio, for you have unfinished business with life on Earth. Thought is ongoing, and you never have quite gotten to a deep enough understanding. To calm your eager mind, hike up to an eruptive volcano and watch as it boils burning bits of lava and delivers its product of the current, unfinished stage. Watch as lava cools down into rocks, watch as the devouring hot liquid that erodes everywhere it goes becomes firm ground for you to step on.

sagittarius symbol sagittarius: I see
For you, Centaur, there is no need to remind of the continuation of life. You know well that this is not your ending. In fact, you may already have begun daydreaming about your return to this world. The best use of time when you enter the apocalypse stage is to observe life around you. Watch them disappear, read the emotions they show or hide, and bid your temporary farewells. I await your return.

capricorn symbol capricorn: I use
Don’t give up quite yet, my ambitious Sea-goat. Just because the world is ending doesn’t mean your hard work has gone to waste. Think of the small sweet victories you have accomplished. Then, turn your eyes to the outside world. The larger-than-life world has so much more to offer. Take a nap – not a power nap, just a good long nap; don’t care about when you start it or when it’s supposed to end. Let your body make the decision this time.

aquarius symbol aquarius: I know
Props to you for reminding us of who to blame for the apocalypse – large corporations and personalities. Some say you take these things too seriously, but really, it’s them who don’t take things seriously enough. To celebrate us on this special occasion, remind the corporations of the wrongs they’ve done.

pisces symbol pisces: I believe
As the final sign in the astrological cycle, you embody the spirit of all eleven signs that come before you. You can be trusted to know how you want to end this life on Earth yourself. Simply know that praying to spiritual entities in your belief does work, whether in the way you imagine. Your power and strength comes from your heart, where an endless faith in life stems. Now, you must add to that the faith in death.



Works Cited

Elliott, Lorraine. “History of the Environmental Movement.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 26 Dec. 2023,

Ringland, Jenny. “Connecting Astrology and Sustainability: Green + Simple.” Green+simple, green+simple, 6 Feb. 2023,

Solnick, Sam. “Apocalypso.” An Ecotopian Lexicon, edited by Matthew Schneider-Mayerson and Brent Ryan Bellamy, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2019, pp. 22–31.

Stapleton, Debbie. “Aquarius Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Stapleton, Debbie. “Aries Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Stapleton, Debbie. “Capricorn Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Stapleton, Debbie. “Cancer Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Stapleton, Debbie. “Gemini Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Stapleton, Debbie. “Leo Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Stapleton, Debbie. “Libra Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Stapleton, Debbie. “Pisces Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Stapleton, Debbie. “Sagittarius Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Stapleton, Debbie. “Scorpio Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Stapleton, Debbie. “Taurus Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More.” Astrology.Com, 1 Jan. 2024,

Wallace-wells, David. “The New World: Envisioning Life After Climate Change.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 26 Oct. 2022,