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a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society

Enlightened Visions

Enlightened Visions in the Wake of Trauma: Indigenous, Marginalized, and Small Island Nations People Address the Issue of Global Warming

Volume III, Issue I – July 2014

Scientists have warned the world: greenhouse gases from fossil fuels heat the atmosphere and are causing unpredictable changes in the systems that support life on earth. Western civilization lacks a feeling of kinship with all life forms, including the earth, sun and cosmos. In this issue, writers from or knowledgeable of Indigenous, marginalized and small island nation peoples’ experiences offer in many genres their insights, from recognizing the history of and continuance of oppression, challenging the idea of a soulless earth, to sharing the difficulties of sheer survival. This amazing collection seeks to move readers at the deep level of myth and emotion.

Editor: Roberta Hill

Cover Image: printed with permission of Christina Isenring, WI DNR 2013

Managing Editor: Michael McDermott

Layout Editor: Sarah C. Fritz

Site Design: Barbara Flaherty

Publisher: Black Earth Institute, Black Earth, Wisconsin. 2014

Cover Image: “Manoomin Beds and Bad River Sloughs,” by Christina Isenring, WIDNR. This beautiful photograph of Manoomin Beds and Bad River Sloughs in Northern Wisconsin shows in an eagle’s perspective the play of the earth and water and one source of food for Ojibwe people. The proposed taconite mine in the Penokee range threatens this area, one of the last unspoiled watersheds in the U. S.

Section 1: Earth/Body/Substance
Section 2: Water/Blood/Being
Section 3: Wind/Breath/Flow
Section 4: Sun/Consciousness/Birth



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