Today I asked my son, a beautifully brown 16-year old, what does dignity mean? He breathed a bit then stated that, “Like water, one can give it and one can take it away, but everyone needs it.” Mmmm, yes. His friend, a member of the Winnebago Tribe and in the back seat of our car, added, “It comes from inside, like pride and respect, it’s how you conduct yourself. Inside and outside – both. Agreed.

Today, Pope Francis kissed the feet of the Sudanese Presidant Salva Kiir and his sworn enemy, former deputy Reik Machar. “I am asking you as a brother to stay in peace. I am asking you with my heart, let us go forward.”

Today another caravan of families in desperation crossed into Mexico, heading toward a country that will refuse them refuge – it can be given, it can be taken away.

We finished our work today, finalizing the writings of others who have dedicated their thoughts to this idea of dignity. I thank those that shared this important and courageous work, including those whose work did not get chosen. And I thank my two partners, Pam Uschuk and CMarie Fuhrman; their kind inclusion and generous mentorship is a humbling gift. With chin up, shoulders back, we too go forward – with dignity given not taken away.