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a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society

Section 3

Saddiq Dzukogi


Shadows there is no knife that can cut a shadow and make it bleed i tell this to a regime that give poets ropes as parting gifts and see their bodies either as a shadow on persian sand dangling from a noose or 800 whips pressing into a skin like they are dogs looking for bones the last time it was shaabani who challenged the "i am the representative of god" song of blasphemy it is still unclear why the sea is running out of my eyes the persian and arabian lords are more alike than day and night they are a song from the same aspect hoping our souls will sneak into a cry and flee with the night words can pay the rent for a coffin and a grave but no knife can cut a shadow and make it bleed

Saddiq Dzukogi writes from Minna. He has had poems featured or forthcoming in literary publications such as: Chiron Review, Vinyl, The Poetry Mail, Saraba Magazine, Helicon, Off the Coast, The Volta, The Blue Lotus Art Journal, Grey Sparrow, among numerous others. Saddiq is a mentor at Hilltopart Centre and also the poetry Editor at Expound Magazine.



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