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a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society

Section 3

Michael Dhar

Michael Dhar
Games of War and Sorcery
You want a memory
              that expands like
                            a comic balloon.
A many-windowed
chokered by
              a spiral-galaxy of suns:
All light, at all times,
              into the dusted corners.
You want 1994 placed
              in a moving picture
                            of a magazine.
You want the crack in
              the door you peeked into,
at age 13,
to fly open,
and your boots to march
              inside again,
and gather up the
              blankets from the floorboards.
You want the cellar door to drop,
              your chicken legs teetering
              over a galaxy’s maw,
its pearly smile of suns.
You want a memory that
              opens like a skull.
You want the childhood
              games of war and sorcery
                            to be an arrow at some purpose.
I remember what I planned to do.
I remember seeing the stars from
              the bottom of the stairs.
Michael Dhar is a science writer based in Chicago, and studied English and writing at the University of Iowa and Columbia University in New York.



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