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a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society

Section 5

Raquel Salas-Rivera

cuanto más perezoso o torpe fuera un hombre

la fuerza productiva del trabajo no está, contrario a la opinión pública, fijada por el gobierno de puerto rico. JASON BENNICK ha confirmado que su compañía puede producir tres playas nuevas rellenando el estrecho entre la isla de cabras y san juan, creando cientos de miles de empleados de arena. su compañía Míster Sand principalmente produce juguetes de arena comestibles, pero hace más de un década deseaba expandir sus intereses a zonas cálidas, pues informa que i just wanted to go somewhere warm, you know? and i heard about the bonds in puerto rico and how cheap they had gotten, so i told martha, well, we can move to florida or we can move to puerto rico. i like it here. it’s the perfect moment for this sort of venture. cuando le preguntamos cómo crearía el efecto alga, nos informó que varias fincas producirían un alga verde limón pues soñaba eventualmente garantizar la inversión de una compañía cervecera cuyo nombre no quiso divulgar. las condiciones normales de producción vigente en una sociedad + el grado social medio de destreza e intensidad del trabajo + el color del alga de míster bennick + el estado de desarrollo en que se hallan la ciencia y sus aplicaciones tecnológicas + los viajes que he dado a la isla de cabras + el arquetipo capricorniano y su afán por la domesticación del valor + las cartas que le escribió a yoli + los cigarrillos de una vida entera + la coordinación social del proceso de producción + el costo de T en el mercado + las condiciones naturales el señor bennick nos asegura que con tal de que no sean torpes o perezosos, todos los hombres de arena tendrán la misma oportunidad de solicitar empleo en su compañía.  

the more idle and unskillful the laborer

the productive force of labor is not, contrary to popular opinion, fixed by the government of puerto rico. JASON BENNICK has confirmed that his company can produce three new beaches by filling in the strait between the isla de cabras and san juan, creating hundreds of miles of sand employees. his company, Míster Sand, principally produces edible sand toys, but for more than a decade he has wanted to expand his interests to calid zones for he informs us that i just wanted to go somewhere warm, you know? and i heard about the bonds in puerto rico and how cheap they had gotten, so i told martha, well, we can move to florida or we can move to puerto rico. i like it here. it’s the perfect moment for this sort of venture. when we asked how he planned to create the algae effect, he informed us that various farms would produce a lemon green algae because his dream was to eventually guarantee the investment of a beer company whose name he did not wish to divulge. the normal condition of production active in a society + the median social degree of labor’s dexterity and intensity + the color of mister bennick’s algae + the state of development in which we find science and its technological applications + the amount of trips i’ve taken to la isla de cabras + the capricornian archetype and its fixation on the domestication of labor + the letters she wrote to yoli + the cigarettes of an entire lifetime + the social coordination of the process of production + the cost of T on the market + the natural conditions mister bennick assures us that as long as they are not idle or unskilled, all the sand men will have the same opportunity to apply for employment in his company

Raquel Salas-Rivera has published poetry and essays in anthologies and journals such as Los rostros de la Hidra, Cachaperismos, Tonguas, En la Orilla, Arsempi, Claridad, Quaint, #gorgonpoetics, and La Revista del ICP. Her first book, Caneca de anhelos turbios (2011), was published by Editora Educación Emergente. Half of her books are still at her mother’s house in San Juan. Half of everything she does is still in Puerto Rico. You can find out more about her work at


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