a literary journal published by the Black Earth Institute dedicated to re-forging the links between art and spirit, earth and society
Kaveri Patel
The Sound of Music
Deep in the heart of Mother Earthrise’s rolling green bosoms,
Bodhisattvas awaken from the slumber of ignorance.
Why do we build walls and bruise egos just to be heard?
Why not listen to the beating of our own heart’s rhythm
and sing from this place of self-love?
The world needs confidence, courage, self-compassion
to conquer our mistrust in humanity.
Let the notes punctuate the silent spaces within us
till we are dancing with doubt,
serenading it with our sweet music singing
I am here!
I deserve your love!
Kaveri Patel seeks to initiate meaningful change through fierce, tender presence. Her literary work has appeared in Buddhist Poetry Review, Passing It On, Touch: The Journal of Healing, The Healing Muse, We’Moon, and The Wayfarer. Her poetry, publications, and classes can be found at www.wisdominwaves.com.
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